Identify your SDM
Look at the coloured list to the right and determine who your SDM would be.
For an explanation of the categories, click here.
Althea's automatic SDM is her mother.
Bob has three children. They would all share the role of his SDM.
Tran's automatic SDM is her husband.
What are the rules to be a Substitute Decision-Maker?
The SDM must be:
- Willing to be your SDM and make decisions on your behalf if needed
- Available when decisions need to be made
- Capable of providing consent
- 16 years or older
- Not prohibited by court order or separation agreement
Your SDM(s) should be someone who you feel would understand and honour your wishes
Other things you might want to consider when thinking about your Substitute Decision-Maker (SDM):
- Can I talk with this person(s) about my wishes, values and beliefs?
- Do I trust this person(s) to make decisions that reflect my wishes even if they disagree with them?
- Can they make decisions under stress?
- Can they communicate clearly with my health team in a stressful manner?It’s not always possible to know what kind of future health problems you may have.
I have identified who my automatic SDM(s) would be and:
I am happy with my automatic SDM
- If you are satisfied with your automatic SDM (s), click below to complete your “My Substitute Decision-Maker” card.
- You can always come back later and access this card from the menu bar or through the ACP Workbook section of this website.
- Remember that if you have multiple SDMs at the same level, they will all need to agree on a decision.
Tran is comfortable with her husband as her automatic SDM.
My Substitute Decision-Maker Card
I would like to consider other options for my SDM
- For some people, their automatic SDM is not the person they would like making their healthcare decisions.
- In Ontario you can choose to legally appoint someone to make hour healthcare decisions instead of your automatic SDM.
- This person is called an Attorney for Personal Care.
- You may choose to appoint more than one person in this role.
Althea chose to appoint her two sisters as joint Attorneys for Personal Care instead of her mother who would be her automatic SDM.
Bob’s children do not get along. After reviewing the role of the SDM, he decides to appoint his middle son as Attorney for Personal Care.
Learn more about Attorneys for Personal Care
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