Resource Guide

What is the Resource Guide?

The Resource Guide was developed as a resource for anyone with questions about health care consent, advance care planning and substitute decision making. It includes the information that everyone needs to know to understand the health care decision making system in Ontario. It provides answers to questions about a wide variety of topics. The questions included in the Resource Guide are common questions that are frequently asked by the general public and health care providers.

How do you use the Resource Guide?

The Resource Guide is organized into sections. There are three sections on Health Care Consent, Advance Care Planning, and on Substitute Decision Makers. Each section contains numerous questions that you may potentially have regarding that topic. You are encouraged to search through the entire list of questions for the ones that are similar to your own questions and click on them to find the answer. Some questions are repeated but worded in different ways to assist users in finding the answer that they are looking for. Each answer references the relevant sections in Ontario legislation that is the authority for the answers.


Hospice Palliative Care Ontario would like to thank Judith Wahl of Wahl Elder Law for her respected expertise in the development of this resource guide. Her willingness to give her time so generously has been very much appreciated.

Copyright © Hospice Palliative Care Ontario 2022


This Guide contains general legal information for Ontario. It is not intended to be used as legal advice for a specific legal problem.