Be straight forward
Find an example from your family and friends
My health is good right now, but I want to talk to you about what I might want if I was sick and needed you to make decisions for me.
I have a workbook that will help us both understand how to approach this ... maybe I can show it to you?
Do you remember my friend Frank who was in a coma for a while?
I wonder if that is what he wanted or if his family knew what he
wanted ... I would like to talk about this while I’m still well.
Refer to someone else or find an example from the news
My doctor wants me to think about who would be my substitute decision-maker if I was incapable of making my own healthcare decisions and suggested I do ‘advance care planning’.
Will you help me?
That story about the family arguing about their mom’s care made me realize that we should talk about these things so the same thing doesn’t happen to our family.
Other resources that can help you get the conversation started
Hello Game
The Hello Game is a safe and enjoyable way for people to start meaningful conversations with others around their personal wishes for living well until the end. Having these conversations before a health crisis happens can help people receive care that is aligned with their wishes and values.
Hello Game
Go Wish Game
Go Wish gives you an easy, even entertaining way to talk about what is most important to you. The cards help you find words to talk about what is important if you were to be living a life that may be shortened by serious illness. Playing the game with your relatives or best friends can help you learn how you can best comfort your loved ones when they need you most. Go Wish can be played by one, two or more people.
Go Wish Game