Althea has a bladder infection that spread to her kidneys. Because of this severe infection she is very confused and is temporarily incapable of making her healthcare decisions.
Priya has advanced Alzheimer's disease and is unable to safely live at home. After she was found incapable, her daughters consented to her admission to a Long-term care facility.
During her breast cancer surgery, Tran will be sedated and unconscious. Because she is temporarily incapable, her SDM will be asked to consent if decisions must be made.
If Althea, Priya and Tran have had Advance Care Planning conversations with their SDMs, it can help them make decisions during these times.
What else do I need to know about ACP?
- ACP is about preparing you and your SDM for future healthcare situations and decisions.
- Advance Care Planning is not just about preparing for end-of-life. It is about planning for any healthcare needs you may have in the future.
- ACP occurs through conversations you have with your SDM, your family, friends and healthcare providers.
- ACP is a way for your SDM to learn how to make decisions for you if you are not able to make them yourself.
- You cannot know what future healthcare decisions you may face, but you do know what quality of life means to you and what values and wishes help you with making health care decisions. Your SDM(s) needs to know this too.
- If you are not ready to have a conversation about your values and wishes that’s ok. This website also gives you information to help you identify who would be your SDM(s).
- Before any treatment can be started, healthcare providers must get consent.
- If you are capable you will make your own decisions. But if you are incapable your SDM will decide what to do. If your capacity returns, then once again you will make your own healthcare decisions.
- Healthcare providers must talk to a person, they cannot get consent from a piece of paper.
- Writing down your thoughts and wishes can be helpful for your SDM to read before making a decision.
- This is why involving your SDM in ACP and helping them understand your values and wishes is so important.
See how ACP works for a variety of different people and circumstances
How does ACP relate to my future healthcare?
- ACP helps prepare you and your SDM for healthcare decisions that happen in the future.
- To give consent for care or treatments you need the details of your current condition and the treatment options. In the planning stages, some of the details you need to make decisions are missing.
- If you get sick and a decision needs to be made, you will have a goals of care conversation. This is where you will get details you need to make a healthcare decision.
- A goals of care conversation includes talking about what treatment options fit best with your values and goals.
- If you lose capacity to make healthcare decisions, sharing information about your values and goals will help your SDM in these future conversations.
- Prepare today for decision making in the future.
Frequently Asked Questions
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