How to use this website
- The website begins with an explanation of what ACP is and then guides you through the ACP process. Along the way it will introduce and explain the concepts of informed consent, mental capacity and substitute decision-making.
- Use the drop down menus at the top of your screen to move around however you wish.
- Use the search tool at the top of your screen to search for specific topics.
- The online ACP workbook can be accessed from the quick links to the right or at any time from the menu bar across the top of your screen. If you complete the workbook online you can print out the pages.
- Frequently asked questions and a glossary can be accessed from the quick links to the right or from the resources menu at the top of your screen.
- Hospice Palliative Care Ontario has another website with similar information for health care practitioners.
- Below, you will be introduced to six characters and their journey through the advance care planning process.
Meet Althea, Bob, Tran, Priya, Jacob and Anaya
These are six people of different ages and different states of health. You will see them throughout the website as they work through the ACP process. You can access their full story from the resources anytime.
Althea is 72-year-old healthy woman. Althea is not married. Her mother is 96 years old and Althea has two sisters.
Bob is a 76-year-old man with heart failure. Bob’s wife died 6 years ago and he has 3 children.
Tran is a 48-year-old woman with breast cancer. Tran is married and has a son and daughter.
Priya is an 84-year-old woman with advanced dementia. She lives in long-term care. Her husband died many years ago and she has three daughters.
Jacob is a 9-year-old boy with a severe brain injury. He uses a wheelchair and has a feeding tube for food. He lives at home with his sister and parents.
Anaya is 15-years-old. She has recurrent bone cancer (osteosarcoma).Her parents are divorced and share custody. She has a half brother.
Hospice Palliative Care Ontario gratefully acknowledges the support of the government of Ontario in the creation of Advance Care Planning resources